Sunday 15 June 2014

A woman you should know...

Fashion icon: Jessa Johansson.

Me and my two best girls from my student hall (lets code name them Black Velvet and the Rage- explanations to come), have been obsessed with the tv show Girls ever since we all fell into a state of melancholy due to boy troubles and curled up in Black Velvet’s bed with green tea, almonds, chocolate and a lap top late one night. This developed into a sort of habit, nay, tradition for much of the first semester. We went at it slowly, an episode or two a week, quite at random. Perhaps we’d settle into it at 1:30 after a night on the town or on lazy sundays when there was nothing to do.

Thus began my love affair with Jessa Johansson (played by Jemima Kirk)- the eratic, exotic, at first annoying then suddenly encapsulating character from Britain who comes to live in New York with her cutesy cousin Shoshanna.
Jessa is indeed an adventurous woman. She has style (which is what I love most about her- the things she wears) and says the darnedest things. Jessa is cynical and bitter but cares for her loved ones despite everybody’s flaws in the show.
Jessa has droopy eyes and the best lips for lip stick. She does what she pleases and is a little lost, a little angry, a little sexually adventurous and a little over opinionated but who doesn’t love a sassy controversial character?! Every work of art needs one and I don’t doubt Girls is a work of art when compared to other shows.

Her hair is SO long I would like to have it VERY much.
Her boho-chic style is seductive as hell.


Wednesday 11 June 2014

First semester done and dusted.

So my first semester on university is officially over. I had my last exam today (philosophy- critical thinking- sand paper on my brain. Praise buddha its finished!) and I have done much much much and met many many many people. Even though I’m still in the town I’ve grown up in and my mother and friends still live here but its as though I’m in a youth hostel or a school camp in Europe or Canada or somewhere homely like that. I’ve failed to write as vigorously as I’d hoped but that was predictable.

There have been parties and fines, drinking (the drinking culture here is beyond me), road trips, I did the 48 hour film festival, went to a strip club, built forts and giant beds, participated in quizzes, floor activities like lazer tag, movie nights, broke into the gardens in the middle of the night, been kicked out of a karaoke club (not something to be proud of but something to note for sure), had the best chats I’ve ever had with people and on the whole rolled through my first semester as a scarfie should. Its been classic and I’m super stoked to have had the typical student experience.

English is definitely my jam and I can’t wait for controversial classics next semester!!!
The exam went well I like to think- Hamlet, The Bloody Chamber, Sonnets, Chaucer and Pride and Prejudice. English involves alot of sex. Its good fun.

Hated philosophy and gender though but its all a learning curve.

I’ve made three extremely close girlfriends and we have made a tradition of nestling down in a bed and watching an episode of GIRLS, my new favorite show. I reckon a post on my favorite character is called for.

On the whole, I am relieved to have moved the way I have through the beginning of something so alien to me and don’t regret a single shenanigan. They have all been pretty golden.


Monday 24 February 2014

A funny place


I haven't blogged in days due to an extreme change in my lifestyle.
I have recently moved into my student hall. This is so exciting and I can't get over how many people I've met, how many names I need to remember and how much freedom I have acquired!
My room is small but livable. I like it!! Cozy, The bed is unnaturally soft- like sleeping of a marshmallow stuffed with feathers. Plus I have a double wardrobe!!!!
My floor is filled with the nicest people- were a pretty cool bunch and the RA is hilarious... in a professional way... more or less... :)

It is now the end of Orientation week and I have pushed through late nights, quick introductions, alcohol consumption, fatty food, shopping, working two casual jobs, organizing my room, the famous toga party, David Dallas, Chet Faker, Six60, the rugby, trips to Castle st where all the rowdy flat parties are- watch your heads, bottles will be flying! Its a frightening place to be! Everything is grungy and sharp like the alley ways covered with a carpet of broken bottles and rubbish. Its gross and exciting. I can't wrap my head around it all.

The entire week has morphed into one blurry day. I wish we had a recovery week next week but no! Its straight on to lectures!! I'm really looking forwards to developing my english skills. I am taking English, Philosophy and Gender studies which should be interesting although say bye bye to any dreams of a solid career for the future because (haha how I laugh) I aim to be a writer. Whoops.

Good luck to me and good luck to you.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

Happy birthday to me!!

So last week was my birthday!

I had a super de duper time with my family, then partied all night on Saturday after a surprise birthday party with friends wearing a tiara. Fun times.

I am very excited to leave the awkward age of 17 behind and enter the slippery slope of madness that is 18. I like to believe that I'm still a teenager but with more perks (not an adult till the age loses the word 'teen' in it). Such as scratchys and voting.

Ofcourse I have yet to find some pretty tunes that glorify the age... having lost such melodies like 'Fifteen', 'sixteen going on seventeen' and 'the age of seventeen'... if anybody can think of any songs about being 18 I'd be glad to know so I can obsess over them thankyou.

Presents wise things were sharp considering I was not expecting anything.
My best friends held me a surprise birthday dinner where I was handed charming gifts such as chcolates, a new revlon lipstick which I shall review someday, vouchers, a beautiful moleskin organizing journal and the two cream of the crop tip of the top gifts:

Two beautiful silver bracelets!
Very elegant, very tasteful. This has been on of my favorite birthdays.

Ending with a picture of my first margarita- a Doris Day margarita to be exact.

I'm very excited about what this year will bring- I move into my university hall on Friday and have begun panic packing banana boxes. I'm really struggling to fit everything- I have WAY too many clothes and books!! Not sure how its all going to fit. Next week is Orientation Week which should be a fun time and then formal lectures begin. Its slowly hitting me. I'm getting nervous. This should be an interesting life... I plan to keep blogging through the year... hope people read!


Sunday 9 February 2014

Poisonberry review. MORE UNICORNS!!!

After the success of Red Velvet I was so excited to try out the classic lip stick Poisonberry from Lime Crime.
What results!

I don't think this product will ever disappoint me- its such good quality and the colours are stunning! I adore the delicious deep purple that fills up my lips and goes so well with dark blue dresses and black tops.

More unicorns!!!!!
Sweet purple box. Sex toy resembling tube.

A flawless shade!

This stuff stays ON!!! All night!!! I reapplied once but only out of habit really!

My only issue is which colour do I order next?!


Wednesday 5 February 2014

A woman you should know...


An iconic figure from my favorite era, the American-French singer, dancer, actress, spy and activist Josephine Baker is definitely a lady you should know and respect.

Known here and there as the 'Black Pearl', 'Bronze Venus' and the 'Creole Goddess', ol Jo was the first ever African- American woman to star in a major motion picture (called ZouZou) and to become a world wide famous entertainer. Impressive, right?

Flickering tirelessly between exotic and erotic glamor girl to playful and clever comedienne, Jo took the world into her own hands, contributing to the Civil rights movement, assisting the French Resistance in world war 2 and receiving the French military honor: the Croix De Guerre.

Baker lived an interesting life- dropping out of school, slumming it on the streets of St Louis, dancing on street corners, eventually becoming discovered (as it always goes), traveling to Paris, dancing the Charleston, working as a spy, writing articles on segregation, speaking at the side of Martin Luther King Jr at the March on Washington, marrying four times, adopting many children (whom she referred to as the 'Rainbow Tribe'), living in a castle... have I missed something out? I wouldn't be surprised. She was a very accomplished woman!

One thing I adore about Jo is her childish energy and fearlessness. She did not deny her principles to stay safe despite countless threats from grumpy racists and she just kept on dancing.
She was sexy and sassy and fun with that surprising flair of intelligence that I like to see in anybody.

I believe that controversial figures are the best role models.

Check out her kinky bananna dance down here:

And have a listen to some of her music! Its catchy and just as fun as her dancing:


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Trippin. Road trippin.

Aoraki Mt Cook...

A few weeks ago I went to see my fam bamly in Twizel and was joined by two good friends Taylor and Gina. These darlings swept me up on a road trip- first to the lake where the sun was pulsing and my skin was tanning, then 40 minute drive to Aoraki Mt Cook.

It was an ideal day for a holiday, and this felt like the first one I'd had since school ended...

The day's colour palate was cool greens and tranquil blues.

Hope everyone appreciates the floppy hat and cheap flannel- op shop power!!!

Driving time!! Down the windy road to taller mountains.

Pit stop- me adjusting my kimono style jacket and my beautiful Gina Copson posing with extra 'swag'.

Here we began the walk up the Hooker Valley track to see the lake and the swing bridge.


A bit Lord Of The Rings style?

Me and Gina. Photographed by talented Taylor McNamara.

The beautiful Mt Cook Valley.

This has been my first real break from all the stresses of applying to university, leaving school, melodramas of every day life and so on. I used to come here so often as a kid and its a relief to escape to such a place now and then.


Liebster Award!!!

 Well this is a pleasant surprise! What a great way to meet new bloggers!
I'm stoked to have been nominated for the Liebster award by the dazzling Eleanor who writes this charming blog called 'Little thoughts from little people:

Its aimed at blogs with 200 followers or less and is a wonderful way to connect and establish a wider social network. So I have to answer Eleanor's 11 questions then ask 11 more to 11 people I nominate.
Rules down below!!

Here goes:

1) What's your favourite book?

Lolita by Vladmir Nabokov... ofcourse. I plan to write a review about this disturbing yet beautifully written novel quite soon actually. Its the most intriguing book I've ever read.

2) Where do you want to travel?

Paris!!! Again!!! That would be my main destination because I adore the bookshops and galleries and tall, slender apartments.

3) What's the top of your bucket list?
Go fishing in Spain.

4) What do you hope to achieve by the end of this year?
Improve my writing and complete my first year at university with successful results.

5) What's your favourite Ice cream flavour?
Cookie dough.

6) What's your favourite nail polish called and who makes it?
While I am a bit of a cheapskate with fancy nail polishes (I can only dream of my own O.P.I collection) I do possess one called 'Tropicana' by Revlon- a vibrant tropical island orange that just screams summer and flamboyance.

7) What's you're favourite band?
At the moment I am torn between the White Stripes and Nirvana, but I am more of a single artist fan right now- Lana Del Rey, Beyonce, Marina and the Diamonds, Florence and the Machine and Maria Callas.

8) What's your favourite makeup brand?
Lime Crime!! It is such good quality stuff- I hardly ever need to reapply. Plus it has unicorns on the packaging!

9) What's your favourite film?
Breakfast at Tiffanys. Audrey is an angel, the fashion is glorious, the story line is heart warming and the music sweeps me away every time. I can probably quote it word for word.

10) Which celebrity would you like to meet?
Carey Mulligan. I really respect her as an actress and I think she'd be such a sweetheart to talk to!

11) A random fact about yourself!
I paint mermaids in my spare hours.

Glad that's over heehee! Here are my sassy questions for my sassy nominations:

1. Whats your favorite genre of music?
2. If you could pick one item from your wardrobe to show off to me what would it be?
3. Which do you prefer: lip stick or eye shadow and what brand?
4. Top female role model?
5. Heels or flats?
6. Whats your dream/goal/ambition for life?
7. Tell me a secret?
8. Pet peeve?
9. Favorite thing to do when theres nothing much to do?
10. Whats the most interesting place you've ever been to and why?
11. Favorite quote?

And the sassy nominees are.... (drum roll please!):

1. Zsuzsanna Wrywood.
2. Frugal and Louboutins.
3. Q.
4. Princess Kriss.
5. Brogan E.
6. Marissa.
7. Charli Beaumont.
8. Patrice Renee.
9. Andrea.
10. Alexa Gora.
11. Olivia Louise Le-Moine.

Here are the rules!

You have to link back to the person who nominated you
You have to answer 11 questions
You have to nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers to answer your questions
You are not allowed to nominate the person who nominated you
Finally, you must let the people know that they have been nominated

Have fun kids!! Its a delight to be involved in something so fun!


Friday 31 January 2014

Bow down bitches. Beyonce's taken over.

 I'd never paid much attention to the Queen Bey before. Sure, I liked the tracks she built in Destiny's Child and little dittys like 'Bootylicious', 'irreplacable' and 'Halo' but she never hit me as hard as she has with her new album 'The Visual'.

No one saw it coming. I've been told there were 80 songs recorded and I have heard a good 9. Don't judge. I'm taking it slow.

Every song has been given a video.
"I see music," Beyonce said in a video announcing the album, “It’s more than just what I hear.  When I’m connected to something, I immediately see a visual or a series of images that are tied to a feeling or an emotion, a memory from my childhood, thoughts about life, my dreams or my fantasies.  And they’re all connected to the music.”

Isn't she just gorgeous?!

After watching  Self Titled part 1 and 2 ('a mini art feature comprised of several parts to give a glimpse into the entire project')  I was astonished by her sensibility and down to earth groundedness that is hard to come by in performers these days. I see her as both a mother and an artist- a strong woman who can dance and sing and nurture and think and impress and be fabulous all in one go.

The first song from the Visual that hooked me was, ofcourse, Pretty Hurts.

Any woman whose any woman will relate in one way or another to this song- the feeling of competition and self worth being rocky and the idea of body and image consuming one's time and thoughts.

I waited and waited and eventually the video for Pretty Hurts was released and it was both shocking, sad and empowering.

'Its the soul that needs the surgery'

The next song to grasp my attention was the sultry Yonce. That base line is sexy, the calm, sassy lyrics are snappy and the video is filled with leather, red lip stick and dancer limbs. Too catchy.

Beyonce is not weak in either body or mind. She has IT. That special something that comes from the hardest of hard work. As she said in a Self Titled video 'I work harder than anyone I know.' I don't doubt it.

I have rediscovered a new role model.