Tuesday 4 February 2014

Trippin. Road trippin.

Aoraki Mt Cook...

A few weeks ago I went to see my fam bamly in Twizel and was joined by two good friends Taylor and Gina. These darlings swept me up on a road trip- first to the lake where the sun was pulsing and my skin was tanning, then 40 minute drive to Aoraki Mt Cook.

It was an ideal day for a holiday, and this felt like the first one I'd had since school ended...

The day's colour palate was cool greens and tranquil blues.

Hope everyone appreciates the floppy hat and cheap flannel- op shop power!!!

Driving time!! Down the windy road to taller mountains.

Pit stop- me adjusting my kimono style jacket and my beautiful Gina Copson posing with extra 'swag'.

Here we began the walk up the Hooker Valley track to see the lake and the swing bridge.


A bit Lord Of The Rings style?

Me and Gina. Photographed by talented Taylor McNamara.

The beautiful Mt Cook Valley.

This has been my first real break from all the stresses of applying to university, leaving school, melodramas of every day life and so on. I used to come here so often as a kid and its a relief to escape to such a place now and then.
