Tuesday 11 February 2014

Happy birthday to me!!

So last week was my birthday!

I had a super de duper time with my family, then partied all night on Saturday after a surprise birthday party with friends wearing a tiara. Fun times.

I am very excited to leave the awkward age of 17 behind and enter the slippery slope of madness that is 18. I like to believe that I'm still a teenager but with more perks (not an adult till the age loses the word 'teen' in it). Such as scratchys and voting.

Ofcourse I have yet to find some pretty tunes that glorify the age... having lost such melodies like 'Fifteen', 'sixteen going on seventeen' and 'the age of seventeen'... if anybody can think of any songs about being 18 I'd be glad to know so I can obsess over them thankyou.

Presents wise things were sharp considering I was not expecting anything.
My best friends held me a surprise birthday dinner where I was handed charming gifts such as chcolates, a new revlon lipstick which I shall review someday, vouchers, a beautiful moleskin organizing journal and the two cream of the crop tip of the top gifts:

Two beautiful silver bracelets!
Very elegant, very tasteful. This has been on of my favorite birthdays.

Ending with a picture of my first margarita- a Doris Day margarita to be exact.

I'm very excited about what this year will bring- I move into my university hall on Friday and have begun panic packing banana boxes. I'm really struggling to fit everything- I have WAY too many clothes and books!! Not sure how its all going to fit. Next week is Orientation Week which should be a fun time and then formal lectures begin. Its slowly hitting me. I'm getting nervous. This should be an interesting life... I plan to keep blogging through the year... hope people read!



  1. Aw it seems like you had a blast!!! Happy 18th birthday to you! x


  2. Happy birthday and enjoy doing whatever you want, whenever you want! this is the time. I had a post of my own for my bday but for my 32nd :) http://everydaylovetips.blogspot.com/2013/10/happy-late-20s-birthday.html
